mediating between humans and off-world vampires was hard enough; harder due to the Renfield clan's vampire/human bloodline. even with both sides leery of them Ramona keeps the peace. but it is an uphill battle. with her mother as head of clan and her mother's consort as the corporation's CEO She labors to dispel rumors that she rose to the position of Deputy Director of Investigations and Enforcement, the highest ranked field operative in the division, through nepotism and cronyism. through her hard work and dedication she is a lock for the soon to be vacant Director's position. But lately things have begun to unravel. An incident at one of their salons leaves 3 dead. A robbery at one of their clubs results in multiple injuries. the clan is under attack and Her judgment is questioned on all fronts. and now the old rumors of nepotism are being whispered yet again.
to add insult to these injuries, over her objections, a new member is hired onto her team. Nabil Aziz is smart, irreverent, proficient, and having burned every bridge in his life he is desperate to prove himself. despite their rocky relationship the two are required to work together searching for clues as to how and why someone is attacking their clan with an onslaught of manmade monsters. Can the two set aside their personal agendas to protect their clan from certain annihilation?

Koescu would thank you to not call him a "vampire." He speaks proudly of his Revenant lineage, one of the dimensional explorers marooned in this place they call "The Paradox."
After nearly two thousand years on this desert rock the natives call "Earth," he is plagued by an increasingly pain-filled existence, a decaying body, loneliness and isolation.
His fortunes shift however when a longtime Renfield acquaintance requires an important favor and is willing to pay for Koescu's intercession with a lusty drink from the fountain of youth. Now rejuvenated with looks (and fleams) that could kill, Koescu steps into the Jazz Age confronting the sins of his past and defining his role in the future of this new, fast-paced and unpredictable Paradox.
Regarding Koescu, Revenant Lineage Book 1 is a sexy, bloody, thrilling (and often humorous) plunge into a shadowy world that exists just off the path. so join koescu and Take your first bite into the epic Chronicles of Renfields.